Day 4: Ichetucknee

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This is another published entry for Ichetucknee River Turtle Survey student journals. Dr. Matthew A. Carrigan led our team. Our trip was generously funded byHaverford KINSC Traveling Funds. The study is part of the Santa Fe River Turtle Project in Florida.

The text below records my first day snorkeling in Ichetucknee River to catch turtles. On my way there, I thought too much about other things and started to feel nervous and sad.


We got off at Ichetucknee, and started carrying our gears out. I recalled that on the first day, I was the only person who tore the wetsuit. Because of me, Matt had to carry all wetsuits on the trip again today, so I could pick and try on another on site.

Dr. Johnston’s was thanking the volunteers, while most of us were talking and hustling. Jharna and I messed up our assignments, and I ended up to swim all-day (I was initially assigned to alternate with Jharna to canoe at noon). I got dressed, and, following others, climbed into the river. My thick wetsuit kept the water out, but my mood dampened from earlier overthinking stayed watery.

The crash course on snorkeling three days ago wanted a review, but “Faster! You’re the last person!” was already pursuing me. Feeling quite incompetent, I struggled to float, but stones kept getting into my fins… “Join the mainstream!” The mainstream? I only saw endless grass, which entangled me, and ceaseless water, leaking into my mask… At least your wetsuit was not torn again! What’s the point of feeling miserable here? Come on!

Ignoring the voice, I groped at my own pace. Finally, I reached an open area, where faster current carried me down. Floating, motionless, facing down, I stared at the continuous yellow-green water weed a bed below on which I never landed. No one was ahead; no one was behind. Breathing consciously, I felt as if I was dreaming.

So, am I in the mainstream? Or am I lost? From imagining all possible consequences of getting lost in a river in Florida, my attention shifted seamlessly to looking for turtles.


April 1, 8, 2018; edited on April 15, 2018

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